Art Teacher Blog? What Up!

When I spotted this art teacher blog I was so psyched! I clicked on it immediately. At first glance, I was bummed to see that it is not updated often. The latest post was within the past two weeks but the one before that was in December. So it’s a few posts a year. I guess I wanted more from an art teacher blog. This is not to say it is to be discounted! The latest post was interesting – an interview with a smart guy/artist teacher. He has a suggestion for art teachers when they need to engage students in complex concepts and conversations: use contemporary artists! He suggests: “Artists that provide entry points for talking about difficult subjects include: Omer Fast (surveillance, warfare), Sally Mann (identity, family, adolescence), Carrie Mae Weems (race, exclusion, family), Paul McCarthy (taboo, myths, icons), Kara Walker (race, gender, sexuality), and Tania Bruguera (art & activism, social change).” I would definitely do more research before using any of these artists in my classroom because I would want to make sure they are engaging these points in a way that is relevant for myself and my students; however, being woefully unfamiliar with contemporary art and artists, I think this is a good starting point.

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